Should he have shot this homeless man?
A close friend of mine is a police officer who recently took
a second job as a security guard to earn extra money. He works for a large
department store and last week was his very first day on the job. After his first
shift he called me and said, “you’re never going to believe what happened to me
Well, he proceeded to tell me that there are a lot of
homeless people in the area he works. He said one of his security guard duties
is to clear the homeless people off the benches in and around the store, which
to me sounds like a full time job in itself.
He said that while he was attempting to clear one of the
homeless people off of a bench, the guy pulled a knife on him. Before he could
finish his story I interrupted him and asked, “did you draw your gun and how
close did you come to shooting the guy?”
A drunken homeless
My friend said the guy was very drunk and slowly pulled out
the knife and that he simply slapped it out of his hands and then called the police.
He then told me that he didn’t feel his life was in danger at the time and he
didn’t feel deadly force was necessary, which was why he hadn’t drawn his gun
and used it.
In short, my friend gave the perfect answer to why he hadn’t
shot the man. In a large majority of instances, if someone pulls a knife on you
then using deadly force is justified. However, the key factor is that you have
to believe your life is in immediate danger or that the person threatening you
could cause seriously bodily injury.
My friend is well trained and understands the law. But
imagine if he didn’t. Imagine if he had drawn his gun and shot and killed the
homeless man. A few hours later, police would be watching the security
surveillance tapes and they would see a drunken homeless man who slowly took
out a knife and probably appeared to be no serious threat. My friend could have
gone to jail for a “bad” shooting.
Of course, a good lawyer could have probably gotten him off
because the homeless guy did have a knife, but my friend would have had to live
with the guilt for the rest of his life knowing that he had killed someone who
he knew he shouldn’t have.
The bottom line is, every single shooting and deadly force
incident is different and only you will know if you feel your life is in
immediate danger. Also, if you’re walking around with a gun and you’re still
not clear on your state’s deadly force laws, please look them up today. You and
I know that carrying a gun is a big responsibility and knowing the deadly force
laws is a major part of that.