Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to choose the 'perfect' concealed carry gun

I’ve decided to join the 21st century and write a blog. (Yes, I realize I’m a little bit behind the rest of the world, but that’s OK.) I’ve never been a huge fan of technology. In fact, I’ve never sent a text message in my life and they’re even blocked on my cell phone so I can’t accept them.

So why in the world am I now writing this blog? Well, to answer many of the questions I get from training students and to keep you updated about what’s going on in the world of firearms and personal protection. And today, I want to answer the #1 question I get from people after they’ve taken one of our courses. It’s the million dollar question, which is, “Jason, what’s the best gun to buy for concealed carry?”

Ahhh the question that can never truly be answered.

You see, each one of us is (obviously) designed differently. Some of us are shorter, taller, and have large hands or small hands. Which is why, there is no perfect concealed carry gun for everyone. Personally, my favorite choices are the Glock 19 in a semi-automatic and a Smith and Wesson 642 snub-nosed revolver.

But again, those are my personal choices. Just because they work for me, they might not work for you. The smartest thing you can do (which will also save you a lot of money) is to go to your local firing range and rent all of the guns you’re interested in buying. I’d try the Glock, Sig, and Springfield XD, to name a few.

You might have your heart set on the Glock, but when you shoot it you might hate the grip, or the recoil or a number of other things. On the other hand, when you shoot the XD you might love the way it feels in your hand and decide it’s the gun for you.

Whatever you do, make sure that you purchase a gun that you’re comfortable with and that you like enough that you’ll actually carry. Don’t purchase a gun just because your best friend loves it, or because the guy behind the counter at the gun store tells you it’s the gun that everyone buys.

Also, when it comes to a gun, don’t be cheap.

Don’t buy some Russian 9mm from a shady character in the back of a van just because you can get it for $100. You have to remember that you’re literally betting your life on this tool, which is why I mentioned the quality companies above. The last thing you want to happen is that you get into a life or death situation and then when you try and use your gun all you hear is “click” (the loudest sound in the world.)

Of course, if you see me at one of our training events, you can tell me which guns you’re thinking of buying and I’ll give you my opinion on them. But then I’ll tell you to try them out and get the one you’re most comfortable with and most likely to carry all the time.

Because as everyone knows, the #1 rule of a gun fight is ALWAYS HAVE A GUN. And if you buy a gun you can’t stand, then you’ll never want to carry it, and it will sit in your safe collecting dust, which won’t do you any good.

By the way, next week I’ll probably cover the difference between revolvers and semi-autos, or send me a question you’d like answered and I’ll try and make it happen. And if you haven’t attended on of our classes yet, check out

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