Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Utah Gun Law Every State Needs to Pass

I’m in the great state of Utah right now attending my family reunion. Not only do I enjoy coming here because of the many outdoors activities, but of course, because the state is very gun friendly like my home state of Virginia.

Perhaps one of the best gun laws that Utah has is the “Firearms Confiscation Prohibition” Utah Code Ann. § 63k-4-405. In short, we all know the disgusting things that occurred during Hurricane Katrina and how the police and military went around confiscating citizen’s guns.

Well, this Utah law says that the government cannot take your guns during an emergency and that if for some reason a police chief or someone else ordered the confiscation of guns, their subordinate would not have to listen to them and could not get in trouble for disobeying an order. The law also includes fines of several thousand dollars to anyone who violates this law and tries to take your guns.

It’s scary that a law like this needed to be passed in the first place, but at least in Utah you don’t have to worry about having the police knock on your door after a natural disaster trying to take your guns leaving you without any way to protect your family.

However, what if you live in another state which doesn’t have such a law?

Well, this was a question I got asked during training I was doing a few weeks ago and here’s what I told them: I believe a person’s integrity is the most important thing in the world. I wish people could do business on a handshake and if people were more honest in this world we wouldn’t have a need for lawyers and our courts wouldn’t be all clogged up.

With that being said, one of the very few times I think it would be okay to lie and be dishonest in life is if someone knocked on your door after a natural disaster and tried to take your guns. If it happened to me there is not a chance in the world I would give up my firearms leaving my wife and I unable to defend ourselves.

After all, how could I, as a husband, say to my wife “Yes dear, the police just knocked on our door, and although we’re law abiding citizens I gave them all of our guns, so hopefully a bunch of thugs won’t break into the house and try and rape you because there’s not much I can do now.”

Those words will never come out of my mouth.

But… what words should come out of your mouth if you’re ever in the situation where the government is trying to take your guns? Tell them your guns are at your father’s house in Alabama… tell them you got rid of them all… tell them any number of things but don’t tell them you have guns in the house in case they try and force their way in.

In other words, make up anything you can thing of to get the soldiers or police away from your house thinking you don’t have any guns. But just to be ultra-safe, if you own multiple firearms as I do, it’s not a bad idea to store a gun or two somewhere else besides your house in case of an emergency and your guns did somehow get confiscated.

Let me reiterate though, I’m only talking about lying and being dishonest during extreme circumstances. I don’t believe in lying or causing problems in every day life just to prove a point. (Such as the guy who walks around with four guns on him and a bazooka just to prove a point that he can open carry.) I’m a practical guy who doesn’t need to prove points in life, I just need to make sure my family is safe, which is exactly what I’ll do if the government should ever come after my guns.

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